Re: Cayenne performance testing

From: Ahmed Mohombe (
Date: Wed Feb 01 2006 - 05:14:53 EST

  • Next message: Gentry, Michael \(Contractor\): "RE: Re: Cayenne performance testing"

    > So I was wondering what would people recommend as far as such testing
    > setup. Is it worth looking at some other tools beyond Ant and Junit,
    > like for instance JMeter?
    IMHO yes. So far for free solutions, jMeter it seems the best option.
    It's very easy to use, but the test scenarios must be well designed to make sense.

    > We are not testing a web application after all...
    It doesn't matter. Most of the use scenarios of Cayenne are in a webapplication.
    In your case, just minimize the webapplication overhead as much as possible (to just
    call Cayenne code).
    If you make performance tests that call cayenne code directly without any web tier, they won't be
    that realistic, and maybe not even 100% the same API will be used(at least not in the same time
    sequence distribution).

    With the Click framework, we want the same thing, but we need a complete (automated) test
    coverage with Selenium first. Only after that can we take JMeter. Of course, it would be nice
    if the same application would be usable for both, but I'm not that sure.
    Anyway you proposed that JPetStore as base test application. I'm still analyzing it, but so far for
      coverage automated test looks OK.
    So far, I can't judge if it's good for performance tests, so maybe you could also check if that
    would be a good test case for the performance tests.


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