Re: Java 5

From: Michael Gentry (
Date: Thu Aug 09 2007 - 08:25:36 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Enums"

    Another advantage of deciding on 1.5 is we can have native enumeration
    support. I would definitely like to see this in the modeler and could
    try to add it (my Swing skills aren't so hot, but I can be stubborn).
    I'd like to be able to define the enumerated values in the modeler and
    be able to choose them in the data type pull downs. Then hook into
    the code generation to create the enumerations and have Cayenne
    automatically register them. Then your _Classes could have valid
    setLoanType( loanType) calls.

    This is kind of what I've implemented with the enumerations example I
    put on the wiki, but I'd like it to be much more native in Cayenne.
    Any thoughts?



    PS. At one point, my example didn't work under Java 5, but I suspect
    that was a bug in the JVM. I haven't tried it since, though.
    PPS. Yeah, I need to get to work on this stuff ...

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