Re: [DISCUSSION] Java 5 and 3.0 schedule

From: Aristedes Maniatis (
Date: Wed Aug 15 2007 - 02:20:29 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: [DISCUSSION] Java 5 and 3.0 schedule"

    On 14/08/2007, at 11:56 PM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:

    > Separate from that, IIRC Ari have already voiced concerns about 3.0-
    > final being too far in the future. Why would that be a problem? We
    > are releasing high quality milestones that people can use in
    > production, but beyond that I feel like we don't have
    > "completeness" of the new feature set that would warrant a final
    > release. I am open to discussion on that, but so far I don't see a
    > reason to rush.

    No, we don't want to rush any release, but it doesn't appear that we
    have clear goals as to what will constitute 3.0. I'd like to see a
    line drawn somewhere so we (and the users) know what the target is.
    In the last 48 hours the answers to three users' questions have
    included: and that is now fixed/better in 3.0M1, perhaps you should
    try that. Which is great, except that are we now expecting end users
    to deploy 3.0M1 as if it was a stable production level release? Or
    are we saying, give this a try now and sometime you'll be able to use
    it in production.

    If we do expect people to use it in production, why not release it as
    2.5 or 3.0? Sure JPA isn't complete, but lifecycle events and lots of
    other things are. I'm using it in production for that reason, but we
    can't expect everyone to do that for what sounds like an alpha release.

    Of course we can't give a timetable for release. That would be
    unrealistic. And if Java 5 will help by collapsing the Eclipse
    workspaces, then great. I've only ever had my Eclipse workspace set
    up as a 1.4 build, so perhaps I was missing some of the pain. If
    there are immediate benefits to be had (as opposed to reworking the
    API to suit generics), then let's do it.

    In summary, my only concerns about the move to 1.5 were if they
    caused significant API changes and therefore put back release of 3.0
    for a long time, and a minor matter that I personally have to support
    it on 1.4 for another 3-4 months (mainly because it rules out OSX
    10.3). But I'll cope :-)

    There is no rush to release, but is the goal: full JPA compliance?
    How will we know when we have arrived? (especially with the JCK issues).

    Ari Maniatis

    Aristedes Maniatis
    phone +61 2 9660 9700
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