
From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Wed Feb 11 2009 - 02:12:14 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: CAY-1173 Expose QueryLogger invocations as events"

    BTW, would be nice to have a summary of various audit requirements
    (also see a thread that started last night on the user list). There's
    SQL-level audit, object-level audit, anything else?

    For object-level audit, the simplest thing is to track DataChannel
    graph events. Unlike lifecycle events that we borrowed from JPA, those
    actually contain all object deltas (this is why I sometimes call
    Cayenne "the git of ORM").

    (Now there's too many events / interceptors / delegates accumulated in
    the framework over the years... almost feel like going tapestry5 by
    dumping all backwards compatibility at some point and designing
    something consistent end to end :-/ )


    On Feb 11, 2009, at 9:01 AM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:

    > On Feb 11, 2009, at 8:50 AM, Aristedes Maniatis wrote:
    >> Would Cayenne keep aggregate statistics (min/av/max/count) tracked
    >> internally? That would make it easy for a user to monitor for slow
    >> selects without writing a listener at all.
    > The main goal is to to expose enough raw data via JMX. So all events
    > will be stored in an MBean ("MBean" is a JMX term for managed
    > object), but no statistical postprocessing is planned at this level.
    > More advanced aggregation and reporting should be done via custom
    > extensions (which we may or may not include in Cayenne). This is the
    > most flexible pattern from my past JMX experience.
    >> Is there a symmetry between Lifecycle events which track the
    >> progress of an object entity, and these QueryLogger events which
    >> track what happens to the database (although not db entities?)?
    > Due to potential ORM complexities (things often don't map one to one
    > between DB rows and objects), I'd say there will be a substantial
    > mismatch.
    >> Would QueryLogger listeners be something to be configured in the
    >> modeler?
    > No plans for that yet.
    > Andrus

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