Nested ROP contexts and relationships

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Thu Apr 02 2009 - 16:29:14 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: How manay milestones before 3.0 final?"

    I am in the middle of debugging a problem with nested ROP contexts
    losing arc changes when committing to a parent context. Since I was
    not involved in the ROP nested context work, I figured I'd post my
    thoughts here before I start changing the code.

    I noticed that per CAY-1119, there is a special subclass of
    ChildDiffLoader called CayenneContextChildDiffLoader that calls
    'propertyChanged' on the parent context after syncing a simple
    property change. It seems like we need to do the same for
    relationships as well, to record arc changes in the parent diff list.

    Andrey, do you have any comments on that? I wonder if it was omitted
    intentionally. I will open a Jira (I think we don't have one for
    this), and add some tests with various relationships, but before I dig
    any deeper figured I'll need a sanity check.


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