Moving SmartNamingStrategy out of modeler

From: Kevin Menard (
Date: Wed Apr 15 2009 - 18:22:56 EDT

  • Next message: Andrey Razumovsky: "Re: Moving SmartNamingStrategy out of modeler"

    I think this mainly targeted at Andrey, as he wrote SmartNamingStrategy.
    What is entailed with moving this out of the modeler and into the core
    framework? I tried just moving the file, but there is a dependency on jvnet
    for inflector purposes. I'd rather not force the dependency on core
    framework users, but I'd also like to be able to use the naming strategy
    outside of the modeler. Do you have any ideas on how to accomplish this?

    The best I could could up with was:

    - Add a dependency on the modeler from the plugin. Not terrible for maven,
    a little more so for ant.

    - Add a soft dependency, whereby you only need that Jar on the classpath if
    you're using that naming strategy. We've done this for other classes in the
    past. It works, but can be a pain to maintain.

    - Move naming strategies into their own module. For maven the plugins and
    modeler would have a dependency on this new module. For ant, you'd need the
    new JAR on the classpath.

    - Find an alternative to the inflector lib.

    - Do nothing. SmartNamingStrategy is only available from modeler.


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