Re: Non-physical delete... again

From: Andrey Razumovsky (
Date: Tue Jun 02 2009 - 10:07:24 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Non-physical delete... again"

    For not to be unsubstantiated, I uploaded my vision of the feature. Note
    that there is no modeler support. It allows to provide custom factory that
    creates builders of INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE queries. 'Soft-delete' factory is
    I do not say that 'soft delete' checkbox is not needed, but uploaded code is
    much more generic and allows to plug any behavior (maybe even Ari's proposed
    'versions'). 'Soft' strategy can be configured with 'deleted' field name and
    will not fire UPDATE if such field does not exist in DB table.

    Please add your comments!


    2009/6/2 Andrus Adamchik <>

    > On Jun 2, 2009, at 2:54 PM, Andrey Razumovsky wrote:
    > But I'm no fan of adding some sort of 'soft' checkbox for dbattributes
    > I was suggesting marking entity with a "soft delete" checkbox (not
    > individual attribute - this would make no sense), and creating a criteria
    > based on qualifier that references an attribute.
    > Modeler support will be covered by setting class name of strategy
    > I am afraid this approach will be rather arbitrary to the end user, so I
    > suggest we discuss it some more before putting it in Cayenne. Marking an
    > entity to use "soft delete" based on some criteria is a clear and
    > understandable feature. Setting a "delete strategy" is not, and will
    > contribute to confusion. This is totally be ok as a backend extension point,
    > but I will hate to see that as a general use feature.
    > Andrus

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