RE: Initial ROP client query takes way to long

From: Zissis Trabaris (
Date: Fri Jun 05 2009 - 11:02:46 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Initial ROP client query takes way to long"

    You are absolutely correct. Once this product comes out of beta we might
    be inclined to donate the modeling environment code. Since it's a 100%
    embeddable library it should be quite easy to integrate it into the
    Cayenne modeler. I would rather not have to maintain it since it's not
    really part of application runtime IP but just a necessary component of
    the dev environment. Another interesting benefit of this modeler is that
    it is coded as an ROP client component therefore you can use it over

    Zissis Trabaris * Chief Technology Officer * INSYSWARE * 3235 West River
    Road, Grand Island, New York, 14072, USA
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    -----Original Message-----
    From: Aristedes Maniatis []
    Sent: Friday, June 05, 2009 10:34 AM
    Subject: Re: Initial ROP client query takes way to long

    On 6/6/09 12:27 AM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:
    > Pretty cool. If your implementation of the visual modeling part were
    > all compatible with CayenneModeler, and if you were willing to donate
    > that to Apache and help develop it here... ;-) Anyways, this is your
    > so I am only dreaming :-)

    Perhaps, but the donor also gets great benefits in having a whole bunch
    of people helping to improve and maintain the code.

    Back on dev topics, Jack has finished his secondment at ish now and
    posted his DataMapElement.Property implementation. I'll do some cleanup
    on it (mostly naming and style) and some commenting and commit it unless

    anyone has something to say.

    Ari Maniatis

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