Re: CAY-1191 Undo/Redo support in modeler

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Thu Jul 09 2009 - 13:49:37 EDT

  • Next message: Andrey Razumovsky: "Re: Circle references"

    Hi Anton,

    I assume this is a verbatim repost of Andrey's comment from CAY-1191.
    It certainly looks like a good idea to move this discussion to the dev
    list from Jira. Do you have your own comments on the items that Andrey
    have mentioned?


    On Jul 9, 2009, at 7:11 PM, Anton Sakalouski wrote:

    > Hi Anton,
    > The patch is a major step ahead, and the code nicely fits in modeler
    > codebase. It is also an improvement of current classes, because now
    > we have interface for invoking actions' logic without using
    > performAction or something. I, however, ran into some issues while
    > playing with feature, could you elaborate them?
    > 1. Undo/redo buttons should be added to the main toolbar
    > 2. Removal of obj- and db- attributes and relationships cannot be
    > undone (I assume this will be the most used operation in fact)
    > 3. This might be out of scope of this task, but undoing of Obj or
    > DbEntity removal might not return to previous map because reverse
    > relations are removed together. E.g. remove Artist & undo causes
    > Painting.toArtist to be lost. I had same issue in copy-paste
    > (there's even a JIRA for that)
    > 3. Revert and open operations should clean undo history
    > 4. Undoing text change is not respective to a page where it was
    > done. E.g. change DbEntityName -> move to other DbEntity -> Undo
    > 5. There is an ability to remove several objects in tree at once.
    > This is not supported by Undo-Redo
    > 6. "Undo addition" and "Undo deletion" are quite confusing labels.
    > Can we change them to "Undo Text Change" or "Undo Text Addition" or
    > something? Also table undo labels can have values like "Undo true"
    > and "Redo false". Funny :-))
    > 7. Also if I do text replace (e.g. change "Artist" to "Brtist") only
    > one change is logged to undo manager. So undoing does not revert the
    > text. There must be something like "Undo replace"
    > 8. Changing scripts in SQLTemplate and others cannot be undone.
    > 9. Changing relationship properties in inspector windows cannot be
    > undone.
    > 10. I ocasionally run into CM Error window. This could be caused by
    > issues above, but anyways this is no good
    > Oh, and I'm leaving for a vacation soon, so I won't be able to
    > review anything again in next two weeks.

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