Re: CAY-1191 Undo/Redo support in modeler

From: Anton Sakalouski (
Date: Thu Jul 09 2009 - 12:11:14 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: CAY-1191 Undo/Redo support in modeler"

    Hi Anton,

    The patch is a major step ahead, and the code nicely fits in modeler
    codebase. It is also an improvement of current classes, because now we
    have interface for invoking actions' logic without using performAction
    or something. I, however, ran into some issues while playing with
    feature, could you elaborate them?

    1. Undo/redo buttons should be added to the main toolbar

    2. Removal of obj- and db- attributes and relationships cannot be
    undone (I assume this will be the most used operation in fact)

    3. This might be out of scope of this task, but undoing of Obj or
    DbEntity removal might not return to previous map because reverse
    relations are removed together. E.g. remove Artist & undo causes
    Painting.toArtist to be lost. I had same issue in copy-paste (there's
    even a JIRA for that)

    3. Revert and open operations should clean undo history

    4. Undoing text change is not respective to a page where it was done.
    E.g. change DbEntityName -> move to other DbEntity -> Undo

    5. There is an ability to remove several objects in tree at once. This
    is not supported by Undo-Redo

    6. "Undo addition" and "Undo deletion" are quite confusing labels. Can
    we change them to "Undo Text Change" or "Undo Text Addition" or
    something? Also table undo labels can have values like "Undo true" and
    "Redo false". Funny :-))

    7. Also if I do text replace (e.g. change "Artist" to "Brtist") only
    one change is logged to undo manager. So undoing does not revert the
    text. There must be something like "Undo replace"

    8. Changing scripts in SQLTemplate and others cannot be undone.

    9. Changing relationship properties in inspector windows cannot be

    10. I ocasionally run into CM Error window. This could be caused by
    issues above, but anyways this is no good

    Oh, and I'm leaving for a vacation soon, so I won't be able to review
    anything again in next two weeks.

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