Re: Plans for the future (aka 3.1 roadmap)

From: Evgeny Ryabitskiy (
Date: Tue Nov 17 2009 - 16:40:09 EST

  • Next message: Malcolm Edgar: "Re: Plans for the future (aka 3.1 roadmap)"

    About Modeler and Cayenne xml configuration:
    Maybe we can add some documentation about Cayenne xml configuration format.
    To tell people how xml should look like.
    I'm prefer to work with xml (I have to... when I need to do merge).
    Usually I use modeler only to look what it's generating, to have example :)

    About Cayenne Multiple DataDomains:
     I tried to use several Caynne DataDomains at same time. So when I use
    2 DataDomains, I use 2 DataContexts. First for Oracle and second for
    MS SQL. There was a problem with binding to thread DataContext (it can
    be only one). I solved it with own ThreadLocal. Second problem was
    with Transaction (Except thread binding): Some times JBC Driver for
    Node is resolved from Transaction. It was really crazy for me when my
    DataDomain configured on Oracle tried to use JTDS Driver and Microsoft
    templates for Oracle DB. It was like a magik! :) I spend whole evening
    to find what is happening.

    About Cayenne Multiple file configuration:
    Cayenne is oriented on only one cayenne.xml. It's painful when you
    have several independent modules with own DataMap sets.
    I spent enough time to find solution for this. Like experience with
    Multiple DataDomains.
    It will be nice to have embedded solution for such issues.

    About Cayenne and Oracle Timestamp:
    Result of query from column of timestamp type was mapped to oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP
    I should tell you that we are trying to build cross-rdbms application
    via cayenne.
    So we didn't expect any non-jdbc types in results.

    About Cayenne Queries:
    Just a fillings... Sometimes use of query API is really painful...
    I have some ideas for enchantments in mind... When I finish to
    formulate them, I publish them.


    P.S. Thx for electing me as a contributor :)

    2009/11/17 Michael Gentry <>:
    > On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 2:26 PM, Andrey Razumovsky
    > <> wrote:
    >> --- ROP: unify client- and server classes. i really want to see classes that
    >> can work both on client and server someday.
    > I've never used ROP, but a lot of us here are starting to look into
    > AJAX for use in our applications and I'm wondering if some kind of
    > AJAX/JSON support via ROP would be useful.
    >> GUI support:
    >> ---  Create Eclipse plugin for Cayenne.
    >> This is a very large task, somewhat discussed at
    >> Noone disputes the need of such plugin in general, but we need a leader to
    >> start the project. Personally, I can't do that because of serious lack of
    >> knowledge in SWT.
    > I'm one of those not convinced that making an Eclipse plug-in is the
    > best course.  To me there is very little advantage to doing so, but
    > that's just my opinion.
    >> No matter whether we succeed in creation of plugin or stay with existing
    >> modeler, following points must be improved from our current state:
    >> --- Add some graphical modeling editor for ER and Class diagrams (CAY-762).
    >> Maybe be able to import some existing formats.
    > Generating diagrams has never been high on my list, but I know some
    > love it.  I'm just not sure the path that should be taken to do so.
    >> --- Stop using HSQL internally in modeling (e.g. switch to JDK preferences).
    >> It is slow and buggy.
    > Yes!  :-)
    >> --- Make GUI tool it more user-friendly (many JIRAs for that, also was a
    >> thread recently, can't find it now). we really can improve user interface
    >> (remove extra clicks, change button positioning etc) and design.
    > That was probably the thread I started ... especially the 8/20/2009 12:55pm one:

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