Re: Plans for the future (aka 3.1 roadmap)

From: Malcolm Edgar (
Date: Tue Nov 17 2009 - 17:39:30 EST

  • Next message: Aristedes Maniatis: "Re: Plans for the future (aka 3.1 roadmap)"

    Hi All,

    My 2 cents worth.

    I would love to see Cayenne add support for indexes and constraints,
    as it manages our physical database model.

    I would also like to see a diagramming tool for creating models. I
    think this would be a killer feature, but I know this is a pretty
    heavy investment and we need to find a good diagramming library and
    resolve licensing issues.

    I can't see the big payoff for developing a Eclipse plugin, its a lot
    of work. However I do know the modeller code base needs an overhaul.

    +1 for the Cayenne IoC container, will help configuring the system.

    Support for Java UUID primary key generation would be a nice feature as well

    regards Malcolm Edgar

    On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 8:40 AM, Evgeny Ryabitskiy
    <> wrote:
    > About Modeler and Cayenne xml configuration:
    > Maybe we can add some documentation about Cayenne xml configuration format.
    > To tell people how xml should look like.
    > I'm prefer to work with xml (I have to... when I need to do merge).
    > Usually I use modeler only to look what it's generating, to have example :)
    > About Cayenne Multiple DataDomains:
    >  I tried to use several Caynne DataDomains at same time. So when I use
    > 2 DataDomains, I use 2 DataContexts. First for Oracle and second for
    > MS SQL. There was a problem with binding to thread DataContext (it can
    > be only one). I solved it with own ThreadLocal. Second problem was
    > with Transaction (Except thread binding):  Some times JBC Driver for
    > Node is resolved from Transaction. It was really crazy for me when my
    > DataDomain configured on Oracle tried to use JTDS Driver and Microsoft
    > templates for Oracle DB. It was like a magik! :) I spend whole evening
    > to find what is happening.
    > About Cayenne Multiple file configuration:
    > Cayenne is oriented on only one cayenne.xml. It's painful when you
    > have several independent modules with own DataMap sets.
    > I spent enough time to find solution for this. Like experience with
    > Multiple DataDomains.
    > It will be nice to have embedded solution for such issues.
    > About Cayenne and Oracle Timestamp:
    > Result of query from column of timestamp type was mapped to oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP
    > I should tell you that we are trying to build cross-rdbms application
    > via cayenne.
    > So we didn't expect any non-jdbc types in results.
    > About Cayenne Queries:
    > Just a fillings... Sometimes use of query API is really painful...
    > I have some ideas for enchantments in mind... When I finish to
    > formulate them, I publish them.
    >  Evgeny.
    > P.S. Thx for electing me as a contributor :)
    > 2009/11/17 Michael Gentry <>:
    >> On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 2:26 PM, Andrey Razumovsky
    >> <> wrote:
    >>> --- ROP: unify client- and server classes. i really want to see classes that
    >>> can work both on client and server someday.
    >> I've never used ROP, but a lot of us here are starting to look into
    >> AJAX for use in our applications and I'm wondering if some kind of
    >> AJAX/JSON support via ROP would be useful.
    >>> GUI support:
    >>> ---  Create Eclipse plugin for Cayenne.
    >>> This is a very large task, somewhat discussed at
    >>> Noone disputes the need of such plugin in general, but we need a leader to
    >>> start the project. Personally, I can't do that because of serious lack of
    >>> knowledge in SWT.
    >> I'm one of those not convinced that making an Eclipse plug-in is the
    >> best course.  To me there is very little advantage to doing so, but
    >> that's just my opinion.
    >>> No matter whether we succeed in creation of plugin or stay with existing
    >>> modeler, following points must be improved from our current state:
    >>> --- Add some graphical modeling editor for ER and Class diagrams (CAY-762).
    >>> Maybe be able to import some existing formats.
    >> Generating diagrams has never been high on my list, but I know some
    >> love it.  I'm just not sure the path that should be taken to do so.
    >>> --- Stop using HSQL internally in modeling (e.g. switch to JDK preferences).
    >>> It is slow and buggy.
    >> Yes!  :-)
    >>> --- Make GUI tool it more user-friendly (many JIRAs for that, also was a
    >>> thread recently, can't find it now). we really can improve user interface
    >>> (remove extra clicks, change button positioning etc) and design.
    >> That was probably the thread I started ... especially the 8/20/2009 12:55pm one:

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