Re: Nested ROP contexts and relationships

From: Andrey Razumovsky (
Date: Tue Nov 24 2009 - 09:30:57 EST

  • Next message: Andrey Razumovsky: "Re: Nested ROP contexts and relationships"

    Now returning to my main goal - it is to allow PersistentObject subclasses
    work correctly on server and cannot be done without changing
    PersistentObjectHolder's event procession.
    The only reason that we have those PropertyChangeProcessingStrategy and many
    threadLocals all around is that PersistentObject-collections must notify
    context unlike ToMany-collections. So, if we are setting reverse arc via
    add() or remove() we get infinite loops an other nasty things.
    We already have readProperty/readPropertyDirectly pair for simple
    properties, where readPropertyDirectly is "silent". My question is - why
    can't we have "silent" addTargetDirectly and removeTargetDirectly for
    to-many properties? This will allow as to manage event cycles. I think this
    will eliminate threadlocals and make Cayenne code simpler and safer

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