Re: [ANN] Two new (sub)sites using Cayenne

From: Borut Bolčina (
Date: Wed Sep 06 2006 - 07:20:42 EDT

  • Next message: Borut Bolčina: "Re: [ANN] Two new (sub)sites using Cayenne"

    2006/9/5, Tomi NA <>:
    > Ha! I almost missed the announcement about a search engine I use
    > daily. :) Great work, guys! is more than a worthy
    > replacement of google as far as croatian web is concerned.
    > Nice to know cayenne's under the hood. The first other case of cayenne
    > application in Croatia I've heard about, too, aside from the projects
    > I work(ed) on.

    Did you work with WebObjects and with EOModeler in the past?

    > The apps I designed were based on that exact stack! Tomcat and linux
    > being underneath, of course.
    > If you wish, Borut, we can exchange ideas about Tapestry in direct
    > correspondence. I'd be very happy to exchange experiences with
    > cayenne, as well.

    Of course. From time to time I make a post to my blog about technologies I
    like at (, but it is in Slovenian language. I
    only did a demo app with Tapestry so far, but it feels good using it!

    > t.n.a.

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