WoLips rocks my boat...

From: Christian Edward Gruber (cgrube..srafil.net)
Date: Tue Oct 01 2002 - 17:00:15 EDT

  • Next message: Ulrich Köster: "Re: Problems with wolips."


       Ok, all problems are solved. I still haven't tried to build with PB,
    but so far, PB (and WOB and EOB) recognize the PB.project file when it
    is modified to support sub-dirs. And WOB is smart enough (or dumb
    enough, I can't yet tell) to match up src/Components/Main.wo/* with
    src/Java/Main.java. It's pretty darned cool.

       The only question left is whether PB can handle it, but I suspect it
    can, if it does the seemingly obvious relative-pathing support (which it
    most likely does).

       To clarify from my last e-mail, I removed src/Components from my
    .classpath file, (well, I did it through project properties), and moved
    the two components' .java files into src/Java.

    Thanks to Ulrich for putting me on the right path, and for the whole
    plugin in the first place.


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