Re: Eclipse RC2 Compatibility/Classpath confusion

From: Anjo Krank (
Date: Thu Jun 17 2004 - 11:14:52 EDT

  • Next message: Harald Niesche: "Re: Eclipse RC2 Compatibility/Classpath confusion"


    gee, a little bit of digging takes you a looong way:)

    > The bad news is that the class files are no longer copied over to
    > build/<sometarget>/Resources/Java during incremental build, which
    > makes it impossible to run apps because none of the component classes
    > are found. Do you have any idea why they are not copied anymore?

    This is because the initial patternset "ant/classes.include.pattern" is


    while it probably should be


    I changed this in CVS.

    The matcher is also cached, so you need to restart Eclipse if you make
    changes. The same probably holds for all the other pattern matchers.

    > When I add the projects DAVExample and DAVObjects again in the Debug
    > Classpath panel, I get:
    > /Volumes/Home/extras/webobjects/support/DAVExample/bin
    > /Volumes/Home/extras/webobjects/support/DAVExample/build/
    > DAVExample.woa/Contents/Resources/Java
    > /Volumes/Home/extras/webobjects/support/DAVObjects/bin
    > /Volumes/Home/extras/webobjects/support/DAVObjects/build/
    > DAVObjects.framework/Resources/Java
    > /Volumes/Home/extras/webobjects/support/DAVExample/bin
    > /Volumes/Home/extras/webobjects/support/DAVObjects/bin
    > [snip WO stuff]

    While it is a kludge and makes it impossible to use
    NSBundle.bundleForClass(), at least this works so that the app can
    start and display pages and also get fresh classes when debugging.

    Now, apart from that, WOLips seems to run in Eclipse RC2. What doesn't
    work (from what I've seen) is the "New Project Wizard", but I don't use
    it anyway so I can't really comment.

    Cheers, Anjo

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