Re: Eclipse RC2 Compatibility/Classpath confusion

From: Ulrich Köster (
Date: Sat Jun 19 2004 - 11:41:40 EDT

  • Next message: Anders Peterson: "Re: Let's speculate!"

    Am 17.06.2004 um 17:23 schrieb Harald Niesche:

    > Anjo Krank wrote:
    >> All,
    >> gee, a little bit of digging takes you a looong way:)
    >>> The bad news is that the class files are no longer copied over to
    >>> build/<sometarget>/Resources/Java during incremental build, which
    >>> makes it impossible to run apps because none of the component
    >>> classes are found. Do you have any idea why they are not copied
    >>> anymore?
    >> This is because the initial patternset "ant/classes.include.pattern"
    >> is
    >> *.class
    >> *.properties
    >> while it probably should be
    >> **/*.class
    >> *.properties
    >> I changed this in CVS.
    > I am unsure whether the requirements for these patterns are the same
    > for the incremental build and the ant build (both use the same
    > patterns now). That's why I haven't changed anything there.
    >> The matcher is also cached, so you need to restart Eclipse if you
    >> make changes. The same probably holds for all the other pattern
    >> matchers.
    > I have a patch for this in my workspace, I originally wanted to commit
    > these changes last weekend but didn't find the time.
    >>> When I add the projects DAVExample and DAVObjects again in the Debug
    >>> Classpath panel, I get:
    >>> /Volumes/Home/extras/webobjects/support/DAVExample/bin
    >>> /Volumes/Home/extras/webobjects/support/DAVExample/build/
    >>> DAVExample.woa/Contents/Resources/Java
    >>> /Volumes/Home/extras/webobjects/support/DAVObjects/bin
    >>> /Volumes/Home/extras/webobjects/support/DAVObjects/build/
    >>> DAVObjects.framework/Resources/Java
    >>> /Volumes/Home/extras/webobjects/support/DAVExample/bin
    >>> /Volumes/Home/extras/webobjects/support/DAVObjects/bin
    >>> [snip WO stuff]
    >> While it is a kludge and makes it impossible to use
    >> NSBundle.bundleForClass(), at least this works so that the app can
    >> start and display pages and also get fresh classes when debugging.
    > I have a fix that makes NSBundle.bundleForClass() work fine, but it
    > includes removing your patch (I wrote to you about that). Also not
    > committed yet.
    >> Now, apart from that, WOLips seems to run in Eclipse RC2. What
    >> doesn't work (from what I've seen) is the "New Project Wizard", but
    >> I don't use it anyway so I can't really comment.
    > I have another problem that only occurs after you start actually
    > changing files (just starting Eclipse and running a testapp doesn't
    > trigger it). The symptom is flickering CVS label decorations, the core
    > problem seems to be that two ChangeListeners inside WOLips trigger
    > each other, leading to some kind of infinite loop (it's not a tight
    > loop, you can still close the workbench). The only fix I have for that
    > is actually disabling the Listeners. I think we should migrate the
    > stuff these Listeners do into the build process (either a base class
    > for both Ant and Incremental builder or a third builder that does what
    > needs to be done and is registered regardless of the build style).

    Fixed. You could verify it with the progress view. On resource
    modification you should see three entries in the progress view. The
    build and two Project Files Updater.


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