Re: Properties > Java Build Path > WO Frameworks?

From: Ashley Aitken (
Date: Sun Aug 29 2004 - 09:51:44 EDT

  • Next message: Ashley Aitken: "Plain D2W with Custom Framework containing EOModels?"

    Hi Ulrich (et al),

    On 29/08/2004, at 9:25 PM, Ulrich Köster wrote:
    > the hint is useless. The small red dots indicates a standard
    > framework. Per default these frameworks are included a new container.
    > The external build root is for project wonder.

    Thanks for clearing all that up nicely (in one email). I'm hoping that
    a better understanding of how things work will allow me to ask fewer

    > In your first mail your talking about a problem. So what the cause for
    > these mails.

    As I said, it may be related to libraries.

    My project works fine until I include a simple D2WInspect component
    from the D2W palette into a blank WOComponent (full page) and I set the
    entityName and object bindings appropriately.

    I get this exception:

    > com.webobjects.directtoweb.D2WModelException: Error - could not find
    > any rule that returns a pageName using the current context
    > Reason:
    > Error - could not find any rule that returns a pageName using the
    > current context <D2WContext task=inspect, entity=ERRepository,
    > propertyKey=null, pageConfiguration=null>

    So it knows the task, and the entity, and the look, so it should be
    able to generate the pageName?

    I've tried to doing similar with a blank D2W project from WOLips and it
    works fine. So the only thing I can think of is that the libraries are
    different or incorrect.

    Maybe it can't see some standard rule-set (D2Wmodel). My main project
    has all the D2W and Project WONDER libraries, and the standard ones,
    and sets the look in user.d2wmodel.

    This used to work a while back (not sure when, beta 1 or earlier) but
    not now.


    Ashley Aitken
    Perth, Western Australia
    mrhatken at mac dot com

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