Re: wod editor changes

From: Greg Hulands (
Date: Sun Oct 09 2005 - 19:43:40 EDT

  • Next message: Mike Schrag: "Re: wod editor changes"

    Hi Mike,
    Great work.
    On 10/10/2005, at 12:10 AM, Mike Schrag wrote:

    > I'm curious to hear some feedback on the new changes for wod editor:
    > 1) I added support for bindings for api files that define types
    > (like number format, date format) like WOBuilder has -- It will
    > offer "%m/%d/%Y", etc for date types. The issue w/ this is that
    > you take a performance hit to lookup the API file for the current
    > type. So feedback #1 is whether you feel like the performance on
    > binding value completion is too slow now? Note that there is only
    > a performance difference prior to the first '.', since static
    > bindings would never be offered as a second, third, etc key path
    > segment. So if you would, do some binding value completions before
    > the update so you get a feel for how fast it is now, then update
    > and see if it's annoying.

    With regard to date formatters, it would be good if there was a list
    we can edit because of localisations. In Australia here we do %d/%m/%
    y, but because a lot of applications have some sort of method of
    handling localisations based on the user, having a list to edit the
    suggestions would be needed in this instance. for example in one of
    my apps to handle date and time, and money formatting each user sets
    their country, and it is the country EO that has the format
    specifier. or If these were in the
    completion list would make it just that little bit faster as you
    wouldn't need to type the complete keypath.

    > 2) To try to speed things up, I am now caching API files. The
    > downside of this is that I'm not currently watching for api file
    > CHANGES. The cache is per-editor, so when you open a new Component
    > Editor, you'll get a new cache for that file. So feedback #2 is
    > whether you notice cache freshness issues with binding NAME
    > completion from API files.

    How hard is it to listen for changes? If it is too much work, what
    about recaching the file every n minutes/seconds. Would a singleton
    api cache be better so that all components can share the loaded api's
    - just to make it more memory efficient.

    Keep up the great work,

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