Making WOLips more appealing to new users

From: Marc Guenther (
Date: Mon Aug 21 2006 - 05:47:00 EDT

  • Next message: "Re: Making WOLips more appealing to new users"

    Hi all!

    Now that, for reasons still unknown to mere mortals like me, many
    people seem to move from XCode to WOLips, I thought about how to make
    Eclipse/WOLips more appealing to new users. There are a couple of
    issues/quirks/leftovers that we oldtimers don't really notice
    anymore, or know how to work around, but which might be confusing to

    So I made a list of (mostly small) issues. But before I come to that
    something more important.

    We need an official stable release. That means, we need to declare at
    some point that we are feature complete, make a svn branch and from
    then on only do bugfixing in there (no more "I updated today, and
    nothing works anymore" :) And finally, release the thing officially
    as version 2.0.1 or something. Development of version 2.1 can
    continue in the main branch.

    Here is my list:
    - WOLips perspective defines no friends. Window->Open Perspective
    only shows "Other...". Should show something like the Java
    perspective and also include Java.
    - launch configuration: clicking checkboxes in the Log and WO Tab in
    doesn't enable Apply button
    - tree view in classpath container dialog: selecting frameworks in
    the tree view doesn't display the "partially selected" icon for the
    parent (eg. System always shows up as empty)
    - Remove the old classpath container (not completely, some people
    might still be using it, but at least from the New Library dialog.
    - Make javadoc work with the new one :)
    - Preferences->WOLips->Launch contains "!
    - classpath container dialog: The "Exported" checkbox cannot be set.

    And some help which might be needed:
    - Preferences->WOLips->Build: What is "Build after JavaBuilder"? I
    have it enabled, and don't know what happens if I turn it off or if
    thats even something anyone would ever do. It not, remove the button.
    - same page: there used to be a "Write PB.project" on build, which is
    gone now. Is this always enabled? If so, why it there a "Update
    PB.project" in the context menu? Also my collegue (on Windows) says
    this doesn't work reliably.
    - What is the ProjectBuilder Server, and what happens if I turn it
    off? Something Windows specific?

    and finally:
    - The icon! Where is the one from Mikes t-shirt? That looked so nice...

    What do you think? Does any of this sound worthwhile to do? Anything
    to add? I could invest some time to look into these...


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