Re: Still learning: eogenerator Failed with error code 133, then EntityModeler perspective disappears

From: Mike Schrag (
Date: Mon May 21 2007 - 07:49:01 EDT

  • Next message: Mike Schrag: "Re: Still learning: eogenerator Failed with error code 133, then EntityModeler perspective disappears"

    > I am now a few steps further, and have discovered one can close
    > perspectives in the main window that are not proper.
    That you have said "close perspectives" (plural) makes me
    suspicious. Are you actually referring to perspectives or views?
    Views are the individual areas of Eclipse. Perspectives are
    predefined sets of views. You never want to close views in Entity
    Modeler (unless you actually want to reorganize the perspective). If
    you have done that, then you want to go into the Entity Modeler
    perspective in the menu on the upper right then go to Window=>Reset
    Perspective. You should almost never have to manually close the
    entity modeler perspective (I never do), just close the model file
    you're working on (cmd-w, or file=>close or whatever) and if it's the
    last open model, it will automatically close the entity modeler
    perspective for you.


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