Renaming a project

From: Pascal Robert (
Date: Thu Sep 06 2007 - 21:20:48 EDT

  • Next message: David LeBer: "UTF8 Component Encoding"

    If I try to rename a WO project (created as a "Wonder Application")
    and I rename the project with "Refactor -> Rename...", the following
    problems appears :

    - The run configuration still have the old name

    - in the run configuration -> Arguments -> Working directory, the
    "Other" radio button is set (this is the default ?) and the variable
    still have the old name. Example, I renamed my project "JoeNothing"
    to "JoeBlow" (don't worry about the name, it's French-Canadian thing)
    and the variable is set like this :


    - the file still have the old name

   = JoeNothing
   = joenothing

    - the project name in build.xml is the old one :

            <project name="JoeNothing" default="build" basedir=".">

    Is this normal ? Happening on both Eclipse 3.2 and 3.3

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