Re: Can't open workspace

From: Archibald Singleton (
Date: Wed Mar 19 2008 - 11:18:01 EDT

  • Next message: Chuck Hill: "Re: Can't open workspace"

    On 18 Mar 2008, at 14:51, Chuck Hill wrote:
    > On Mar 18, 2008, at 6:12 AM, Archibald Singleton wrote:
    >> On 17 Mar 2008, at 17:16, Xavier Destombes wrote:
    >>>>>> It seems to work, but now I can't make my project compile
    >>>>>> because it looks like the frameworks in /User (53) have a
    >>>>>> higher priority than the ones in /Library (Wonder ones)...
    >>>>>> And I can't make them behave like the ones in /System...
    >>>>>> Xavier... lost
    >>>>> Put them in /Library then, but don't copy JavaWebObjects. I
    >>>>> have all of my frameworks (including Wonder) installed in ~/
    >>>>> Library/Frameworks.
    >>>> That doesn't seem right ... There is no difference between the
    >>>> ones in System and frameworks being somewhere else. It's
    >>>> controlled entirely by that setting. You're
    >>>> not doing something right, but I don't know what.
    >>> Actually I have removed my file from /Users but
    >>> still have my classpath files written with HOMEROOT instead of
    >>> WOROOT?!
    >>> Anyway, it won't save what I check in the jars in the build path
    >>> between restart...
    >>> My was just:
    >>> -----
    >>> wo.wosystemroot = /Users/xavier/
    >>> -----
    >> You'll want to make sure that the corresponding directory in your
    >> file system needs has the same layout as original WO System
    >> Frameworks layout e.g. /User/xavier/Library/Frameworks/...
    >> Also if you want your apps to automatically open in the brower,
    >> you'll need to have /User/xavier/System/Library/WebObjects/
    >> Executables/WOOpenURL point to /usr/bin/open
    > Isn't that /User/xavier/Library/WebObjects/Executables/WOOpenURL
    > (no System, IIRC)

    Oops, copy/paste typo, sorry. Yes, your path above would be the
    correct one.

    > It also depends on how you do it.


    > For WOLips, I include the frameworks in my home dir. That is what
    > gets loaded when run from Eclipse:
    >> /Users/chuck/Library/Frameworks/JavaEOAccess.framework/Resources/
    >> Java/javaeoaccess.jar
    >> --> Exists
    >> /Users/chuck/Library/Frameworks/JavaEOControl.framework/Resources/
    >> Java/javaeocontrol.jar
    >> --> Exists

    > I define wo.wosystemroot in my project's build.xml (actually, a
    > common build.xml) so it is set correct for the Ant builder.
    > WOOpenURL is used from /System/Library

    How do you do that?

    After I started using a custom directory for the WO System Frameworks,
    I noticed that Eclipse would print an error message mentioning that
    WOOpenURL could not be found when launching my apps. And the apps
    would of course no longer automatically open in the browser (even
    though I had a WOOpenURL symlink under /System/Library...).

    It's only weeks later that it occurred to me that maybe it was looking
    for WOOpenURL in my custom WO system frameworks dir (the one specified
    by wo.wosystemroot). After I created the appropriate directory and
    symlink under that directory, the open in browser functionality was
    indeed restored.

    = tmk =

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