Re: woproject-ant-tasks appstart script doubt

From: Lachlan Deck (
Date: Thu May 07 2009 - 21:08:17 EDT

  • Next message: Faizel Dakri: "Re: EOGen-Templates an javaEnum"

    On 08/05/2009, at 9:56 AM, Henrique Prange wrote:

    > I've found something that left me in doubt while investigating some
    > problems related with the WOFrameworksBaseURL property. The
    > woproject-ant-tasks module has two templates for the application
    > start-up file.
    > src/resources/woapp/Contents/MacOS/appstart:
    > [...]
    > WOFrameworksBaseURL@
    > eval exec ${JAVA_EXECUTABLE} ... ${COMMAND_LINE_ARGS}..
    > WOFrameworksBaseURL@
    > src/resources/woapp_52/Contents/MacOS/appstart:
    > [...]
    > eval exec ${JAVA_EXECUTABLE} ... ${COMMAND_LINE_ARGS}
    > The former has a "variable"..WOFrameworksBaseURL@ that is replaced
    > by the correct value in build time (if WO not 5.2 or greater). The
    > latter doesn't have this variable and the final artifact generated
    > doesn't have any reference to the WOFrameworksBaseURL property.
    > Is this a mistake or there is a reason to not add the
    > WOFrameworksBaseURL property in the application's launch script for
    > WO 5.2 or greater?

    It shouldn't be there and doesn't need to be there. It overrides
    anything defined in Java Monitor or the app properties.

    I've had to work around this (what I'd call a bug) by adjusting the
    baseurl during app launch to be what I wanted it to be...

    I'm not sure why it was added in. Perhaps there's a commit message
    that has an explanation. I'm willing to be convinced otherwise but I
    think it was a bad move. :-)

    with regards,


    Lachlan Deck

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