Re: Insert order

From: Craig Miskell (
Date: Wed Nov 20 2002 - 17:32:04 EST

  • Next message: Craig Miskell: "Delete rules"

    On Thu, 2002-11-21 at 11:14, Craig Miskell wrote:

    > 3) I'm almost certain there will be some borderline cases that it
    > doesn't handle, but for now, it's more robust than what was there before
    > (IMHO). That sounds quite uppity, doesn't it? I assure you that's not
    > the intention.
    Indeed, I just found one (I don't think it worked before either) - a
    reflexive relationship, e.g. Parent-child relationship such as a Group
    which has subgroups (a group has toParent and toChildren relationships)
    may not work, because the insert order sees that the two objects are in
    the same entity and just arbitrarily orders them (not necessarily parent
    first, unfortunately)

    I'll think about how to handle this, but at the moment my brain is fried
    from previous insert order efforts. Any suggestions (or offers to do
    it) greatly appreciated. Fully specified algorithms also accepted :-)


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