Re: CAY-82 Ant DbGenerator

From: Kevin Menard (
Date: Fri Jan 21 2005 - 00:34:19 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: CAY-82 Ant DbGenerator"

    On Jan 19, 2005, at 10:56 PM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:

    > Hi Kevin,
    > I posted a comment re your contribution in CAY-82
    > ( I
    > guess you don't have a "watch" on this issue, so you didn't get the
    > comment email... Anyway, I haven't looked at it closely yet, but I
    > will soon as I want to include it in M2. So here is the question that
    > I had. Let me know what you think...

    Bah, I'm watching it now. Sorry for the hassle.

    > "HSQLDB allows embedded mode, with file name specified as URL... In
    > general it doesn't feel right to have db-specific properties in a
    > generic ANT task... Is there any other case when we would need it?"

    I agree, it didn't feel all that right. The idea behind it though was,
    if you don't use a running HSQLDB server, then you could still
    auto-generate your db. In my case, Bookmarker is using an embedded
    HSQLDB instance so not dealing with the hassle of setting up another
    server was appealing, especially since that db server instance would
    never be used. The problem really is that the server would have to
    started, then stopped so the database files could be copied to my
    distribution for use by the embedded server. I suppose this could be
    done via other ant tasks, but it is a bit inconvenient. If anyone has
    any thoughts on a better way of dealing with this admittedly esoteric
    case, I'd be happy to hear them.

    In any event, I'd say take the code out (I can do this and reattach a
    file) to make it cleaner. Even if it makes sense to have this support
    in a situation like I proposed, it really doesn't feel right to me
    that it has support to start up HSQLDB, but not Derby, or some other
    embeddable server.


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