Re: Cayenne Modeler Patch

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Wed Apr 06 2005 - 16:13:29 EDT

  • Next message: "[OS-JIRA] Created: (CAY-301) Miscellaneous Modeler Cleanups"


    Looks very nice!! I am looking forward to getting this in. And I am sure
    everybody will appreciate your contributions to the Modeler (and other
    areas) in the future.

    > For the patch format, which one can I use from eclipse? Do I need to
    > create a Jira ticket or issue?

    You are on the right track. Please create a Jira issue and submit your
    patch there. The issue will be assigned to me automatically.

    A patch against the latest CVS HEAD is preferrable. I don't remember what
    choices Eclipse provides for patch types, but the best format is
    "unified". E.g.:


    > Hello, all I am new to the list, and to cayenne. I have been using
    > WebObjects for the last three years, and am interested in using Cayenne
    > and Tapestry for my web development. As a result of this decision I
    > took the liberty of making a few changes to the modeler tool. I am
    > attaching some screen shots of the changes that I have made. Please let
    > me know what the process is for submitting a patch.
    > I have made the following modifications:
    > A) Added some context sensitive toolbars on all of the Db/Obj
    > entity tabs.
    > a. ObjEntity - On the main tab I added a sync with db entity
    > button, add new attribute, add new relationship
    > b. ObjEntity & DbEntity - On the attribute tab I added a new
    > Attribute button and a Remove Attribute button
    > c. ObjEntity & DbEntity - On the relationship tab I added a new
    > Relationship button and a Remove Relationship button
    > d. DbEntity - On the main tab, I added create new ObjEntity - this
    > will create an object entity for the specified db entity and synchronize
    > the new object entity with the db entity. I also added a synch all
    > object entities with the current db entity. I need to fix the sync code
    > so that It will remove attributes from the obj entity that are now used
    > in relationships. I will probably get to this a little later this week.
    > B) I hijacked a few icons from eclipse and wolips projects
    > a. EOModeler Icon
    > b. New Class (ObjEntity) icon
    > c. Class (ObjEntity) icon
    > d. Generate Java Icon on Tools menu.
    > C) I also fixed some annoying behavior from the modeler. Sometimes
    > when changing ObjEntities, it would switch to the attribute tab. When
    > switching tabs - I now deselect what ever row was selected in the either
    > the attribute or relationship table. This is so I could use the remove
    > button in the toolbar of the attribute/relations tabs.
    > Hope these changes will be accepted. I spent a good deal of time on
    > them.
    > For the patch format, which one can I use from eclipse? Do I need to
    > create a Jira ticket or issue? I look forward to doing more changes to
    > get Cayenne a little closer to EOF.
    > Thanks
    > Garry Watkins

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