
From: Kevin Menard (
Date: Fri Jun 24 2005 - 17:20:56 EDT

  • Next message: Kevin Menard: "Re: Postgres Adapter"

    Hi Andrus,

    Are there any plans to upgrade Confluence to the newer 1.4.1? We use it
    here at Servprise, and it really is a nice upgrade. I think the upgrade
    process is supposed to be much nicer than JIRA too, so there should be
    less to worry about :-P

    Anyway, check out if interested.
     The upgrade is worth it for the performance and UI enhancements alone,

    Additionally, on a more aesthetic note, any chance we can get a color
    scheme that doesn't clash so much? I normally don't bother with such
    things for something that is used primarily as a tool, but the red
    Cayenne logo really contrasts with the more ambient blue coloring in
    Confluence. I find the contrast so strong that it ends up pulling my
    eyes away from the content -- but that may just be me.


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