JPA Stuff

From: Kevin Menard (
Date: Mon Feb 27 2006 - 10:31:52 EST

  • Next message: Bill Dudney: "Re: JPA Stuff"

    This week is going to generally be hell for me, but next week opens up a
    bit, so I intend on reading through the spec and looking at the JPA stuff
    more closely. It doesn't look like a terrible amount has been accomplished
    in this space thus far though, so it's probably not a big deal. I just
    wanted to let you guys know.

    Additionally, since the JPA work is going to be the guinea pig for maven 2,
    did we want to give TestNG a try as well? I know that idea has been batted
    around briefly before. If we're happy with JUnit, then I'm fine with
    sticking with it, but TestNG does have some nice features.


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