Re: Cayenne JPA + Maven

From: Ahmed Mohombe (
Date: Tue Feb 28 2006 - 11:15:49 EST

  • Next message: Cris Daniluk: "Re: Cayenne JPA + Maven"

    > No problem with impolite style
    OK, than I'll continue with my impolite style :).

    > Maven is one of those things that people either love or hate.
    I don't have such a relation to it :). For me is just piece of software.
    A nice theoretical idea, but a bad implementation. I was very exited when
    Maven was first announced and since than I'm trying to use it with every new Maven release
    and than throw it away after giving Maven a fair amount of trial time (from my spare time).

    On the other side, ANT just works: from newbies till experts and if one is not approaching it with
    religious intents (like many do with maven, IoC/AOP or RoR), than it's just OK: something that does
    what it promises and nothing more: reliable.

    > From my
    > experience thus far its turned into love.
    I usually love other things like: flowers, good wine, women, etc. :).
    Software is just software: good, bad, buggy, fast, slow, user friendly or not, but still "just
    software" :).

    > Now that I'm getting comfortable with maven
    Sure, one can get comfortable even with his mother-in-law after many years of trials :).

    > My main reasons for embracing maven on my personal projects is that its
    > easier for my stuff to integrate with other m2 projects.
    Sorry but what has Cayenne to do with Geronimo?
    I want to use the one(would prefer the first) instead of the other and never both :).
    Of course, I know that I'm missing here the big picture :).

    > I'd like to see cayenne-jpa accepted and used by OpenEJB.
    And I (as a user) would like to see Cayenne "just working". Really, "just working", nothing more :).
    All other extra things that make the first and most important thing of "just working" less reliable
    or less functional or a PITA should not be done IMHO. If it "just works" than afterwards there's
    still time to do all sort of ...

    > Thoughts?
    2.If it's not broken, don't fix it.


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