Persistent objects design [Re: Plans for the future (aka 3.1 roadmap)]

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Thu Nov 19 2009 - 11:55:10 EST

  • Next message: Malcolm Edgar: "Re: Plans for the future (aka 3.1 roadmap)"

    I agree with most of the POJO comments in the thread. Since
    persistence engine has to do a bunch of tricks throughout the object
    lifecycle, it means that POJO is not really a POJO in any ORM. So this
    limits the abstraction anyways. At the same time not being able to use
    my persistent objects disconnected from context (e.g. to set
    relationships), or transfer a subgraph to a Cayenne-unaware client is
    annoying as well.

    Considering my lack of time and lack of community interest in POJO, I
    don't expect an immediate implementation. What I wanted to make sure
    though is that we leave the door open for a POJO support with whatever
    design we go in 3.1. Aside from a few rough spots, Cayenne is ready to
    host POJO class descriptors, and maybe someday they'll materialize
    (BTW, we should've dropped experimental version of those from B1. They
    are not fully operational, but I guess no harm in them sitting in the

    Also my current concept of Cayenne POJO should not require agent-based
    existing class enhancement (using Java agents is more pain than any
    user can bare). It will be more like Tapestry, i.e. based on
    subclassing rather than redefining a class (not sure if Hibernate does
    the same thing? Or some kind of a proxy?):

    public class MyObject {
        private int persistentField;

    MyObject object = new MyObject();
    // 'registerObject()' returns a subclass clone of 'object',
    // and its relationship subgraph with all the private fields
    object = context.registerObject(object);


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