Re: Java 5

From: Michael Gentry (
Date: Sun Aug 05 2007 - 08:43:48 EDT

  • Next message: Michael Gentry: "Name change?"

    I'm still using Java 1.4 with a customized Cayenne 1.2 (had added the
    password encoding to it). At the time I did that, the vast majority
    of our WebLogic servers were locked into Java 1.4, but that is slowly
    changing. I guess for my personal take, I'd be OK with 3.0 moving to
    Java 1.5 since we still have a good 1.2/2.0 release that is for Java
    1.4. I'm fine either way.



    On 8/4/07, Kevin Menard <> wrote:
    > I think I'll poll the user list and see how many actually use 1.4 still
    > anyway. It'd be educational.
    > So far, I think Ari made the best point in that I wouldn't want to hold
    > the 3.0 release up for this. It's more that if it doesn't happen now, I
    > suspect it won't for a couple years. That's not necessarily terrible,
    > but generics would be nice for sure and the new concurrent API could
    > yield significant speed improvements.
    > --
    > Kevin
    > > -----Original Message-----
    > > From: Andrus Adamchik []
    > > Sent: Saturday, August 04, 2007 2:22 PM
    > > To:
    > > Subject: Re: Java 5
    > >
    > > Yeah, I'd think we should preserve the 1.4 compatibility for 3.0
    > > Cayenne Persistence API (vs. JPA that is 1.5 by definition).
    > > Personally I hope I'll be off 1.4 in a matter of months on all my
    > > projects, but I am sure lots of users will appreciate us preserving
    > > it for another year or so.
    > >
    > > I don't care much for generics personally, but since they are here to
    > > stay, we'll have to make Cayenne generics-friendly at some point, I
    > > just suggest to postpone that decision.
    > >
    > > Andrus
    > >
    > > P.S. OT - Wonder when Apple releases a decent version of JDK 6 for OS
    > > X that is compatible with Sun JDK 6 final. The current developer
    > > preview Java 6 is just that - a preview and has incompatible API that
    > > makes it impossible to develop on Mac and deploy on any other
    > > platform (at least for the SQL packages that we care about).

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